Master Tides
Master (International) in Tourism and Sustainable Development
Descubre el nuevo Master (International) in Tourism and Sustainable Development por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), una oferta formativa innovadora y especializada que estará disponible en el curso 2025-2026 a través del prestigioso Instituto Universitario de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico Sostenible (TIDES), referente en investigación en turismo en la Unión Europea acorde a los rankings internacionales. Esta titulación es la evolución natural del exitoso Máster en Economía del Turismo, del Transporte y del Medioambiente, que durante una década ha formado a profesionales y ha contado con una destacada proyección internacional, con el 80% de sus estudiantes procedentes del extranjero.
Este máster ofrece una doble ventaja: por un lado, proporciona una enseñanza de posgrado de alta calidad y especializada en turismo y desarrollo sostenible; por otro, capacita a los estudiantes en el manejo de técnicas avanzadas de investigación aplicada, abriéndoles las puertas a la continuación de su formación en un programa de doctorado o a una inserción competitiva en el mercado laboral global.
Aunque está orientado principalmente a la investigación, este máster también es ideal para profesionales que ya se encuentran activos en sectores relacionados con el turismo y la sostenibilidad, permitiéndoles complementar y especializar sus conocimientos en un ámbito en constante evolución.
Dirigido a titulados de diversas áreas como ciencias sociales y jurídicas, enseñanzas técnicas y ciencias experimentales, este máster proporciona una sólida formación que además conecta directamente con elPrograma Oficial de Doctorado en Turismo, Economía y Gestión, una colaboración entre el TIDES y la Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo de la ULPGC.
Además, el Máster es una opción perfecta para estudiantes internacionales que deseen formarse en una universidad líder en investigación en turismo sostenible, con clases impartidas en inglés, y que quieran aprovechar la experiencia única de estudiar en uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes del mundo: las Islas Canarias.
El Master (International) in Tourism and Sustainable Development busca formar a profesionales e investigadores que puedan generar soluciones innovadoras y de valor para la sociedad, contribuyendo al debate académico y profesional sobre los desafíos clave que enfrenta el turismo y el desarrollo sostenible. ¡Únete a una formación de vanguardia que te permitirá marcar la diferencia en un mundo en constante cambio!

Sustainable tourism and environmental management (6 ECTS- CORE)
- Sustainable tourism in a sustainable world.
- Sustainable tourism: an operational definition.
- Sustainable tourism modelling.
- Sustainable tourism planning and governance.
- The demand for sustainable tourism.
- Incentives for sustainable tourism supply.
- Sustainable tourism tools and indicators.
- Case studies on best practices in sustainable tourism.
Tourism analysis: producers and consumers (6 ECTS-CORE)
- Behavioral science and economics: an introduction
- Models of tourism system behavior
- Tourism consumption models and behavior
- Tourism production models and behavior
- Behavioral policies
- Nudging
- Behavioral change
- Tourism change and evolution
Sustainable transport systems and mobility in tourism (6 ECTS-CORE)
- Transport greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions.
- Tourism transport O/D mobility vs. mobility at destinations.
- The rationale for flying
- Access to the airports and egress from the airports
- Policy measures to mitigate the impact: from emission tradings to greener transport systems.
- The agenda for making air transport more sustainable.
- Green airports’ solutions. Environmental practices and carbon reduction initiatives.
- High Speed Railways. From competitive modes towards integrated solutions.
- Tourism transport mobility within the destinations: from rental and private cars towards mobility as a service solutions.
Tourism marketing and consumer behavior (6 ECTS- CORE)
- Tourism marketing
- Introduction and concepts of marketing and marketing research
- Strategic marketing analyses: Segmentation, positioning, branding
- Tourism marketing mix analyses
- Customer behavior in tourism, CRM and loyalty
- Tourism experiences and user-experience
- Integrated marketing communications
- New trends in marketing and marketing research
- Case studies on tourism marketing research
- Modelling and measuring consumer preferences in tourism
- Theoretical framework for analyzing consumer preferences in tourism
- Main data sources used in the analysis of consumer preferences
- Introduction to discrete choice experiments
- Steps for creating an experimental design
- Elicitation of preferences
- Estimation of preferences: probabilistic choice models
- Willingness to pay for tourism products
- Market shares, demand response and policy analysis
- Applications and case studies
Managing human resources and sustainable innovation in the tourism industry (6 ECTS- CORE)
- Developing leadership and management skills
- Entrepreneurial leadership management
- Human resources staffing in Tourism organizations
- Organizational culture and its impacts on human culture
- Contemporary leadership
- Managing diversity and driving organizational change
- Equal employment opportunities
- Motivation and job satisfaction
- Team working and negotiation
- Human resources in new Project
- Applications and case studies
- Innovation in tourism
- Types of innovation in Tourism
- Understanding innovation from different perspectives
- Potential challenges in social innovation
- Tourism and hospitality in digital era: an overview
- Sustainable innovation management
- IT and value creation in tourism
- Business opportunities with the IT innovations in Tourism
- Applications and case studies
Quantitative methods in tourism (6 ECTS-CORE)
- Introduction to R
- Data in R
- Data wrangling
- Basic statistics with R
- Visual exploratory analysis
- One variable visualization
- Multiple variables visualization
- Editing documents in R
- Introduction to machine learning
- Collecting data online
- Regression models
- Classification models
- Text classification (Natural Language Processing)
Sustainable territorial development in tourism (6 ECTS-CORE)
- Ecological urbanism in the anthropocene era.
- Mobility systems in sustainable tourism
- Urban structural systems in sustainable tourism
- Open spaces systems in sustainable tourism
- Urban models in sustainable tourism
- Urban models in sustainable tourism ii: (business & commercial)
- Urban models in sustainable tourism iii: (city-port & research)
- Infrastructure systems in sustainable tourism
Choose 6 ECTS in optional courses (2 courses):
Digital tourism (3 ECTS – OPTIONAL)
- Digital economics
- Technology in the tourism sector: information systems, distribution systems, reservation systems, e-commerce, e-business, social media.
- Technological trends in tourism (e.g., AI, blockchain, extended reality and metaverse, web3, big data and open data, IoT)
- Digital trends in the tourism sector (e.g., sharing economy, smart destination)
- Digital transformation of the tourism industry
Natural assets in island tourist destinations (3 ECTS – OPTIONAL)
- Biodiversity
- Diversity of species: land and sea.
- Gradients of diversity.
- Islands or insular systems
- Conceptual approaches to biodiversity & conservation.
- Ecosystem diversity
- Terrestrial ecosystems
- Manglares
- Marismas y saladares
- Dune systems
- Coastal & marine ecosystems
- Coral reefs
- Rocky reefs
- Rhodoliths beds
- Pelagic ecosystems
- Sharks & rays
- Whales & dolphins
- Seals & manaties
- Seabirds
- Terrestrial ecosystems
- Biodiversity conservation.
- Valorization of biological diversity.
- Threats & pressures on biological diversity in island systems.
- Climate change
- Coastal transformation
- Interactions with other human activities.
- Tools to enhance biodiversity conservation.
- National & international organizations.
- Conventions & legal instruments.
Climate change in tourism (3 ECTS-OPTIONAL)
- Introduction to climate change
- Interactions between tourism and climate
- Impacts of tourism on climate
- Modeling tourism and climate
- Climate as a factor of production
- Tourists’ behaviour and climate
- Climate and competitiveness
- Climate change policies in tourism
- Tourists’s preferences for climate policies
Neurotourism techniques (3 ECTS-OPTIONAL)
- Introduction to Neuroscience
- From Neuromarketing to Neurotourism
- Neurotourism and Consumer Behaviour
- Neurotourism Lab and techniques
- Biometric techniques (Eye-Tracking, Face Coding, Implicit Association Testing etc.).
- Neurophysiological techniques (Electroencephalography (EEG), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), etc.).
- Virtual and Augmented Reality.
- Integration of techniques and use of mixed methods in tourism.
- Variables Tested: What to measure and how to get valuable data.
- Experimental Design: Steps to properly design a Neurotourism study (objectives, sampling, data quality, insights, results).
- Presentations: How to communicate Neurotourism results.
- Ethics in Neurotourism Research
- Research Methods
- Case Studies
- Equipo docente
- Empleabilidad y salidas profesionales