The Regional Exchange Information System (REIS) is an open and multidisciplinary platform in which stakeholders: industry, policymakers, sector rulers and practitioners from local to national level, can interact, propose new ideas of collaborative work, and activities with the scientific communities engaged in the study of Climate Change impacts and Risk Management strategies of blue economy sectors at island level. Through its expert’s panel the platform is open to provide solutions in support of Climate Resilient Management in EU islands and Outermost Regions. Hence, the REIS platform offers a huge opportunity for all islands and coastal areas to discuss intensively and to establish a benchmark for Adaptation and Blue Growth.
Climate service
The Adaptation Support Tool for Islands allows stakeholders to access specific knowledge generated by Soclimpact project, regarding physical impacts, non-market and socio-economic
consequences of climate change for 12 EU islands case studies (Azores, Madeira, The Balearic Islands, The Canary Islands, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, West Indies, Malta, Cyprus, Crete and Fehmarn). It also proposes alternative viable adaptation pathways that are framed by the geographic, economic, and social context of each island and is a result of stakeholders’ consultation process carried out in these islands.
EMOTUR Lab es un laboratorio de investigación de la ULPGC, centrado en la aplicación en el turismo de las técnicas de neuromarketing, haciendo un especial énfasis en el entorno digital y el análisis de la experiencia del turista. Nos centramos en el neuroturismo, con una aplicación centrada en la sostenibilidad, la imagen y el entorno digital, el bienestar y la seguridad, comprendiendo todo el proceso del viaje del turista y su relación con el destino.